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Matt Braunger (comedian, Ding-Donger with Matt Braunger) returns to the Nerdist! He chats with Chris and Matt about people who have sex with inanimate objects, growing a beard after quitting a job and what movies and TV shows still hold up today. They also talk about Matt's newest special Big Dumb Animal and writing jokes inspired by break ups!
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Dave Yarovesky (director, The Hive) chats with Chris and Kyle about what got him into horror movies, they bond over their favorite films and the tech aspects of making a low-budget film. They also talk about the upcoming Fathom Event of his film The Hive (distributed by Nerdist!) on September 14th!
Elijah Wood chats with Chris and Jonah about their thoughts on a Goonies reboot, what music they listened to when they were kids, and the hidden rap in the Ewok song. They also talk about how Elijah is so humble despite being a child actor, their favorite horror movies, and his new film Cooties!
I use the term exhibitive labor rather than exhibition or exhibitor labor to broaden the scope of work traditionally associated with film exhibition. Exhibition is historically descriptive of the act of screening a film in a movie theater, while exhibitor refers to the theater owner. Exhibitive, or that which serves exhibition, is inclusive of the broadened organizational work of the neo-art house past ownership or projection.
"Star Wars: Episode VIII" is expected for May 2017. From there, the next movie penciled on the calendar is the Han Solo "Star Wars Anthology" movie in May 2018. "Star Wars: Episode IX" is set for 2019 and a third "Star Wars Anthology" film will come in five years, in 2020. More stories on: film, movies, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, tickets, preorders, Hollywood Share with someone you care about:
Steve Kabelowsky Contributing Columnist @SteveKabelowsky Media is bombarding us everywhere.
Wait until the whole series becomes available for download on iTunes or, better still, is released on Blu-ray with (or probably without) a cornucopia of revealing special features. This does means that I wouldn't get to see the series until long after everybody of note has stopped talking about it, which is a bit crap for a film-related site that should by rights be actively contributing to the discussion as the series progresses. 2ff7e9595c