Designed to have a maximum explosive yield of 100 million tons (or 100 megatons) of TNT equivalent, the 60,000-pound monster bomb was detonated at only half its strength. Still, at 50 megatons, it was more than 3,300 times as powerful as the atomic bomb that killed at least 70,000 people in Hiroshima, and more than 40 times as powerful as the largest nuclear bomb in the US arsenal today. Its single test represents about one tenth of the total yield of all nuclear weapons ever tested by all nations.[2]
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When Agate returned to the kingdom, Copper and Amber gave her a warm welcome due to her long disappearance. However, what they didn't know that she had inverted her soul, so after some time, she fought her brother against his own will. Amber tried to escape during the fight, but her sister blocked her from escaping by using one of her magical blasts and murdered her. This caused Copper to lose his trait and sit there, frozen in fear while his sister was killed in front of him. She then stabbed her brother, killing him. Agate then realized that her soul was damaged, and she was slowly dying after she inverted her trait. This damage was because her soul couldn't adapt to the sudden change of it being inverted. Knowing that her time was running short, she used her soul and Amber's body for a spell that would create a powerful creature that would never let humans and monsters live in peace, the Bête Noire.[2][3]
As the "soul harvest" continued, Gaster and Bete continued fighting. During their fight, the Pink monsters managed to gather some souls from human children. Gaster didn't know at the time, but Bete's special attack, Rhabdophobia, was almost charged up. During the fight, Gaster delivered serious damage to her. But before he could finish her, a pink creature attempted to kill a girl named Lily. Her brother Cam rescued her, sacrificing himself. But as a result, the Pink creature took his soul, and Bete managed to charge up Rhabdophobia fully.
Alphys' shield soon disappeared, resulting in Bete impaling her with her spear. Unfortunately, the nullifier didn't affect her; it only works on monsters and humans, but she was neither as she was a spell. Undyne entered the room. She summoned her spear and launched it at Bete; however, Bete tricked Undyne into hitting Alphys's soul instead, resulting in Undyne accidentally killing her. She then took control of her spear and attempted to kill Undyne as well. However, due to her immense Determination, Undyne transformed into Undyne the Undying. The episode then ended on a cliffhanger.[5]
After her death, she says that her enemies made a big mistake by killing her because they let out the HATE that won't stop until it destroys everything. As HATE takes control over Bete's body and trait powers, it transforms into a frantically powerful HATE monster possessing Bete's body and magic.
Now go to where the files where all downloaded: C:\Program Files\Valve\HLDServer\cstrikeFind the file named server.cfg To open click on it and chose select a program and then find notepad. Get used to notepad, it comes in handy for a HLDS server and many more computer tasks.Your server.cfg file will contain some CVARs for customizing your server. Copy and paste the following, its long, and over write the original text in server.cfg. These CVARs offer more customization of your server!CODE Don't Copy this line.// Use this file to configure your DEDICATED server. // This config file is executed on server start.// This is a comment//GENERAL// default server name. Change to "Bob's Server", etc.hostname "Counter-Strike 1.6 Server"//sv_lan 0=Public/LAN, 1=LAN Default: 0 sv_lan 0// sv_contact Contact email for server adminsv_contact ""// sv_region - The region of the world to report the server in.// -1 World// 0 US East coast// 1 US West coast// 2 South America// 3 Europe// 4 Asia// 5 Australia// 6 Middle East// 7 Africasv_region 0//ROUND// mp_buytime - The amount of time to allow purchasing weapons/equipment on round startmp_buytime 0.45// mp_c4timer - How long before the c4 explodesmp_c4timer 45// mp_timelimit - How long each map should be played before switching levelsmp_timelimit 25// mp_freezetime - How long players are unable to move during round startsmp_freezetime 5//mp_roundtime How much time in minutes does a round last. Default: 5 mp_roundtime 5// mp_startmoney - Specify how much money players start off withmp_startmoney 800//mp_friendlyfire Turn on/off friendlyfire. Default: Offmp_friendlyfire 0//mp_footsteps Turn on/off footsteps. Default: Onmp_footsteps 1//mp_flashlight Turn on/off the ability for clients to use flashlight. Default: Offmp_flashlight 0//mp_fraglimit Amount of frags a player can exceed before changing maps. Default: 0 mp_fraglimit 0//mp_maxrounds Amount of round to play before server changes maps. Default: 0 mp_maxrounds 0//mp_winlimit Max number of rounds one team can win before server changes maps. Default: 0 mp_winlimit 0// mp_spawnprotectiontime Time in seconds to Kick players who team-kill after round restart. Default: 5 mp_spawnprotectiontime 5// mp_autoteambalance Force clients to auto-join the opposite team if they are not balanced. Default: Onmp_autoteambalance 1//mp_limitteams Max # of players 1 team can have over another. Default: 2 mp_limitteams 2//mp_autokick Kick idle/team-killing players. Default Offmp_autokick 0//mp_tkpunish Punish TK'ers on next round? Default: Onmp_tkpunish 1//mp_hostagepenalty How many hostages a Terrorist can kill before being kicked, 0 to disable. Default: 5 mp_hostagepenalty 5// disable autoaimsv_aim 0// sv_cheats - Whether to allow game cheat commands to be used by clients. 0 = off 1 = onsv_cheats 0//VOICE-CHATTING//sv_voiceenable Allow clients to use mic. Default: 1 sv_voiceenable 1//sv_alltalk Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions. Default: Offsv_alltalk 0//sv_voicecodec Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.. Default:voice_speex sv_voicecodec voice_speex//sv_voicequality the bps of the voice.//1-2400bps//2-6000bps-DEFAULT//3-8000bps//4-11200bps//5-1520bpssv_voicequality 2//mp_chattime amount of time in seconds players can chat after the game is over. Lower value = faster map load change. Default: 10 mp_chattime 10//RATES-SPEEDS//sv_gravity World Gravity Default: 800sv_gravity 800//sv_maxvelocity Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis. Default: 3500 sv_maxvelocity 3500//sv_maxspeed Maximum speed a player can move. Default: 320 sv_maxspeed 320//CLEINT CVARS//decalfrequency Amount of time in seconds a player can spray their decal. Default: 10 decalfrequency 10//sv_consistency Force cleints to pass consistency check for critical files before joining server? Default: 0sv_consistency 0//sv_timeout After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped. Default: 65 sv_timeout 65//mp_playerid Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names. Default: 0 mp_playerid 0// sv_pausable - Whether to allow clients to pause the server. 0 = off 1 = onsv_pausable 0//sv_allowupload Allow clients to upload their custom decals to the server. Default: 1 sv_allowupload 1//sv_allowdownload Allow clients to downnload files. Default: 1 sv_allowdownload 1//sv_unlag Enables player lag compensation. Default: 1 sv_unlag 1//SPECTATING//mp_allowspectators Allow spectators on the server. Default: 1 mp_allowspectators 1//mp_forcecamera Force dead players to first person mode, effectively disabling freelook. Default: Offmp_forcecamera 0//sv_hltv Enables HLTV on the server. Default: 0 sv_hltv 0//BANDWIDTH RATES//sv_minrate Min bandwidth rate allowed on server. Default: 0 (unlimited) sv_minrate 0// sv_maxrate - The maximum bandwidth rate the server is allowed to transmit to clientssv_maxrate 10000//sv_maxupdaterate Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60 sv_maxupdaterate 60//sv_minupdaterate Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10 sv_minupdaterate 10//sys_ticrate Max FPS (1000 Max) the server is to rendersys_ticrate 200//SERVER LOGGING// log Enable server logging? Default: Off log off//sv_logbans Log server bans in the server logs. Default: 0 sv_logbans 0// sv_logecho Echo log information to the console. Default: 1 sv_logecho 1// sv_logfile Log server information in the log file. Default: 1 sv_logfile 1//sv_log_onefile Log server information to only one file. Default: 0 sv_log_onefile 0//sv_logsdir Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.//RECON//rcon_password Set rcon passsword. Leave blank to disable rcon rcon_password ""//sv_rcon_banpenalty Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication. Default: 0 sv_rcon_banpenalty 0//sv_rcon_maxfailures Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned. Default: 10 sv_rcon_maxfailures 10//sv_rcon_minfailures Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned. Default: 5 sv_rcon_minfailures 5//sv_rcon_minfailuretime Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications. Default: 30 sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30// lists of banned players.// load ban filesexec listip.cfgexec banned.cfg END OF CODE: Don't copy this line.Now save and look though all the CVARs. They are all explained and most of them you will not need to change, but you can. It is recommended that you change the servers name and most of the subsection labeled ROUND. Make sure to change the location to match up with you servers location! It is under GENERAL. 2ff7e9595c