Our Consitution guarantees to our citizens liberties that have been protected by and for Americans for generations - that is until 9/11. Since 9/11 those liberties have been turned upside down and inside out, in the name of safety. But did these intrusions make us safer? No, they did not! Instead they led to one of the darkest chapters in this nations' history. We must reverse the erosions to our liberties and remember that we can be both safe and free! Cathy - NE
Although ACLU's efforts are true and noble, and at the top of the heap when it comes to fighting for our rights and freedoms. I truly believe that there is only one way to rid ourselves of an invasion by corporations, their lobbyists and the typical meat-puppet politicians which sell out to the corporations long before they enter office. (excluding a small hand-full) This type of systemic fraud and misleading of the American people while stealing from us daily and murdering in our name and with our tax dollars for plain greed and corporate profit, and nothing more elegant than that, IS in fact, the very core and cancer of a great nation and "democracy". This act which is now allowed by our supreme court gives the greedy corporations the right to buy our "leaders". This is nothing short of treason - as described by our constitution - and we must rise and hold all accountable for such acts, and for the mass murder of millions of world citizens, including our own who continue to be misled into senseless wars for the advancement of big business. This change must include a free press, of which there is none of because mainstream media is also owned by the corporations. Evil lurks in darkness so, we must be sure that a free press will be there always, to serve as our beacon of light. Without it, there can be no democracy, but only the illusion of one. Thank you Felix - TX
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September 11 has really impacted America. We have to work together and protect our freedoms. We must continue to promote education, jobs, health benefits, our rights, and our beliefs. We have the ability to make a difference and we must continue to fight for our rights. Things may look bad in America right now but we have the power to turn things around. We have to trust God and believe in him in times of uncertainty. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, we are fighting against principalities and powers of darkness in the world. We must stand up and fight for what we believe in and help those who are less fortunate. Together we can turn things around in America and we can reclaim what's been taken away in our country. Jason - MI
Since God has bestowed us with free will, and does not spy on us continually and in increasing tortuous ways...nor should we spy on each other when not warranted. Losing our Civil Liberties has inaugurated a dark time for all the world, as they looked to us for Light and Freedom and many came here braving great odds to obtain this freedom. I believe that the light in each and every one of us who value Freedom, Truth, and Justice will eventually lead us back to Liberty. Kathleen - CA
I've been a member of the ACLU since FDR and HST... I am USAF veteran of WWII, Korean War, retired reservist...sworn "...to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." I am implacably opposed to the oligarchs, the neofeudalists who want to return the country to the dark ages, to the ancient evil lords and serfs society... The ACLU is one of the strongest forces in the land for Lincoln's vision... Theme A New Birth of Freedom People forget what an incredible revolution was the Enlightenment and the founding of our country. This was a truly fundamental change; the whole shape of human history was altered as by nothing before or since, not by wars, by art, by science, by religion. Until then people universally were governed by despots who oppressed them ruthlessly, supported by priests who told the people that the rulers were divinely empowered, that failures of fealty would expose them not only to the most brutal punishment but also to afterlives of endless torment. Most everyone thought it had always been that way and always would be. The founders drew from philosophers and historians of the Enlightenment this central, truly revolutionary idea: the only way people could live free of tyrannical governance was to govern themselves. And for the founders this was not just tavern talk. They declared independence, took up arms and went to war against the ancient tyranny, the superpower of the age. And at the cost of terrible privation and suffering, at home and in battle, they won the chance to bring our country into being as home of a free people. And they established the Constitution so we could work together for the common good with protection for each. For tyrants this was a defeat; but from the beginning they have worked to subvert our self-governance. Of late this effort has grown in strength and scope. They are attacking the Constitution; they intend no less than to reshape our country on the old tyrannical model of top-down rule over a subservient population. But understanding of this threat is growing. The very damage they have done has cleared people's minds to see what Lincoln saw in another time of enormous pain and destruction: it's time for "a new birth of freedom -- so that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." And I don't care much for "SAFE" I care for the Constitution Samuel - WA 2ff7e9595c